So I started out my gameplay, firstly we get a starting
screen with wingulls and pelliper’s starting to fly out on the screen… giving a
sky view of the torren region.
Then a speech by a guy that says that the Augur has passed
away who was chasing and trying to take down these cults one after the other
however trying to defeat one he has not returned and probably dead.
Then as the game starts we hear a voice talking to us,
telling us to remember my name and my appearance; all of a sudden a gengar
appears and the voice fades away, then we realize we are in bed knocked out
with our memories being deleted being caught by a cult that plans to kill us
after our memories are deleted. All of a sudden a mew comes to our rescue and
we are prompted to follow it. From a book in the prison I found there are these
5 cults:
Cult of darkrai
Abyssal cult
Infernal cult
Sky cult
The ev helps us to transform into a darkrai cultist after we
obtain the dna from an actual pile of blood, then going that trick we transform
with the hlp of mew and escape ahead to telnor town where mew leaves us off
given us a quartz flute as well as a letter that prompts us to use the flute,
this letter is from the voice that is helping us throughout.
I explored around telnor town which was a place that was
making people celebrate the return of the augur, however a person in one of the
houses stated that this guy is the second augur, not the first one which
retired. We also find out that the professor here gives off eevee to trainers
as a starter.
In the church like area we get to witness an argument
between daimian our now rival and his mother which we find out is a step mother
but actually cares for him and worries he’d be harmed at that age with a
poekmon, however we agree with damain on the argument and go to the professor
to get our first pokemon, at that time, we get to see a shady character that
has came into lab with these ‘freak’ pokemon as failed experiments and feels
like he should hand them out to a trainer as they might not survive in the
wild; he overhears us and the professor explaining to us as how they are delta
species makes us proceed to either choose them or an eevee. I choose my boy bulbasaur
as always ofcourse.
Then about to enter to forest I metthis guy who was a
woodcutter he handed me over the hm cut. Then heading out with pokeballs at
hand I caught myself a caterpie, weedle, nidorina female, Pikachu, gastly and
then reached the cave by this time I had ran out of pokeballs and going deeper
in we finally meet damian scolding me for being late somehow, now we went ahead
and overheard the cult leaders planning the auger’s assassination, then we get
back to the town tell the agur about the bad news and then defeat the cult
grunts in disguise, it seems that the cults are actually working together and
this augur guy does not seem believable at all.
Seeing the augur give us a compliment and prompting us to
visit him in his hometown, damian is granted the permission by his father that
he can now travel. We carry on with the cave this time with me catching a onix,
roggenrola, diglett baltoy and geodude and then upon entering the next route
and extension of dark cave, poocheyena, zubat, ponyta and bunnelby as I ran out
of pokeballs.
As soon as I reached midna town, the current destination
where our rival should be for the trainer’s school, the thing is I went ahead
to midna mines and got to catch the first two encounters of nosepass and then a
phanpy. It almost seems a s if every other encounter is a new pokemon and im
super excited to fill out the dex by catching these mons. My bulbasaur also
evolved into a ivysaur while on the route before midna. Overall after the entire yesterday’s gaia
heartbreak I guess I am not that passionately invested but still excited to see
what is in store for this finished game.
Evening of 11/5/2020
Moving on now into
midna town, I decided to talk to everyone around town and for good reason as I
obtained myself a fire stone as well as a leftovers, and got quite an insight
into the overall story and direction of goals In the game, knowing how story
rich and appreciatable this game would be I wouldn’t want to miss out, from
going to the pokemon school I realized I needed to find nora, which would be
our second rival and then midna mines would be the way to go to, here I caught
a shuckle, then finding nora we get another major insight into the game.
There are people
according to an ancient prophecy which are chosen by legendary pokemon, like I
am by me and then as we discover celebi appears to help nora on her journey;
taking her back we get ourselves into a tournament at the pokemon school. Which
I did win, I found it entertaining and then we are prompted to go ahead and
challenge the gym at suntouched city; a gym leader that mainly uses fire types
but also some grass types; having seen my fairy/psychic starter could now only
do so well as the game’s difficulty level increasing is being warned about is
something to be noticed.
On the route 2 I went
ahead to catch a buizel, bidoof, marill and then through the old rod,
aremoraid, then moving ahead we see some cultists blocking the way and heading
towards the ruins for some reason, here in the grass I accidentally came across
a pokemon I would be keeping on my team, atleast for now; totodile. Moving
ahead to the ruins after defeating 1 abyssal cult grunt later we see a mother
mega lucario mega evolving which was actually be trying to be captured due to
its abilities. Then on the right place about the grass patch I found a riolu,
moving ahead we finally reach suntouched city before passing this cave which
got me to catch a sableye, pancham and a whismur on my team; I lost to a
trainer here with 3 eeveelutions as well as appreciated the nurse joy at the
entrance much.
Suntouched city is
quite a huge city, just like before I tried to explore and found myself tangled
into a few miniquests. The main goal was to challenge the gym leader after
discovering the fascinating cloud layer of the city up in the sky, I filmed
something with broadcast studio and got to catch myself an axew and then I got
to save a machop that was being overworked from a rude trainer. Then trying to
help this guy with his garden with him talking about a demon mon that destroys
his garden at night, though would need to explore more before trying to
complete this arc.
Now here I stand
before the pokemon gym. Upon entering I get to learn that this gym is based
around the theme of sun, so I am expected to see both grass and fire types, I
beat the gym trainers with relative ease after having my crocanaw learn the
move water pledge from the move tutor, the only worrying thing about the gym
leader known as Orion was
that he lead with a vulpix that had drought; apparently uptill this point I am
for some reason feeling like that my ivysaur is weak to fire types and tried to
waste the sun turns by switching in the decoys on my party, but I seemed that
it was a heat rock setup for 8 turns; I went ahead and ohko’d 2 out of 4 of his mons with my
ivysaur and then his deeling and main mon, in charmeleon was picked up by my
Now after the gym
battle as soon as we leave the gym someone rushing in and we go back to
investigate. All this time in the city some people are seeming to look down on
orion as he talks to a rock and even before or battle he talks to a white rock
by his side; after reaching in this gym leader from another city is there to
warn orion about how he might be under attack by cultists and scolds him for
only caring about a rock as we wouldn’t leave without it; then incomes
perfection cult and the white stone turns into a reshiram, ofcourse my favorite
pokemon, but the thing is I am completely wow’d by how rich it is that the
story is developing in the game. Reshiram flees at first and the cultists leave
to track it down but reshiram comes back to orion…. PHEW! That was a lot to
take it tbh.
Just one badge in…..
7 more to go! 5 cults to defeat….
With now the contents
of gameplay spilling over to the A:M hours of 12/5/2020 I went ahead and
decided to progree in the game with the lapras surfing I was availed with as I
defeated the gym, using the same surfing antics I went over a path that was
previously blocked over to the next route where I actually lost a battle to the hax of an agility girafarig
flinching me constantly with its stomps, however 2nd time was the
charm and I beat the trainer. On this route I caught a ralts, kirlia, seedot
and sudowoodu with nuzleaf always being knocked out somehow. Another most
significant part about this route is that my pokemon both ivysaur and croconaw
evolved into venusaur and feraligatr respectively. I reached over to the next
town. Mil… something the main plotpoint of this town is that you get to fight
your rival, Nora, actually with a celebi on her team, however the fight didn’t
give me much trouble and I won with ease. With thatbeing done I had in between
this time gotten another call for a shoot where I caught a delta grimer, my
first delta pokemon to be and named it speed because it sure is going to be
very fast ofcourse….
Moving on I deposited
speed at the day care and used surf to explore around. Now it was arund this
sare a I started feeling a particular way.
The thing was the
game took you from a very straining plot up until the first gym to a much more
peaceful place where this surfing down above here and there almost felt like an
open world experience to me, this was extremely entertaining to explore
especially as I came across a mudkip in the water as well as a delta ralts in a
abandoned house that was by a secluded side area, thankfully I looked into this
one. I reach vilmik city soon and realize there is a gym here finally.

The city was again a
very entertaining spectacle as the town people seemed annoyed over there being
a garbage disposal nearby the town and I being an awful smelling site, then
there were people who were happy that the gym leader atleast keeps the trees
around in the town instead of cutting them down. I thought for once maybe the
gym leader had something notorious to do with this, however that ultimately
won’tbe the case. Around town I found a guy that charged money to take off
steps required to hatch an egg, I decided to hatch my first egg into a marill
and the second one I received from city into a togepi.
I thought that a
bug/poison gym would not be giving me much of any trouble at all, so I went
ahead an rather confidently lead with my 2 main mons, in feraligatr and
venusaur thinking it will be a clean sweep, I wasted a lot of turns and pp on
his shuckle and then he brought outto my surprise, a mega beedrill, seriously
on the second gym it was tough, it ended up sweeping me and now I realized how
using venusuar against poison types was a double edged sword that can end up
hurting me here, on the second try I went o set upagility with my feraligatr to
outspeed and get beedrill of his roster, and I did but then his tentacreul was
taken down however the haunter stopped my venusaur.
After a rather crushing
second defeat and just realizing that the gym leader is going to have 6
pokemons I thought that perhaps getting a solid squad of six would be for the
best however which ones? My mind instantly went to the delta ralts I had caught
and adored oh so much which was around elvel 21 right now.
It soon evolved but
turning a kirlia into a gardevoir was quite a painful task however worth it.
With this new
addition to my team I realized that it probably won’t be enough but decided to
give the gy a try and it ended up helping me out in the long run, as up till
haunter things again went smoothly upnext was heracross which venusaur took
care off but gardevior in the back with its nuzzle to counter to notiorious
sticky web was helpful in me taking the win in the end.
On this sweet note of
victory we formally get introduced to the concept of mega stones and then the
we leave to a hiker giving us a letter to which we are prompted to go to the
garbage disposal area or someone is gonna get killed or something. With this I
had a realization as I made my way through and running back to the pokemon
center quite some times. That I seriouslty doubted getting gardevoir on my team
would be useful at all, however thinking now that darkrai cultists who will
mainlyuse dark types, are gonna be taken out by my venusaur, then infernal or
fire cult will be taken care of by feraligatr nd the cult I am facing right now
of abyssal as has water types that are weak to a specially bulky gardevoir,
with this realization I was happy to set on the decision of keeping gardevoir
in the long run of the game (hopefully)
Day of the same date
I go ahead and challenge some more grunts and by every battle gardevoir become
more helpful and significant as I also caught some mons like grimer, gulpin and
trubbish here, then getting upto their boss and damian being threatened; now
the cult leader knows as she overheard us before saying that she wants mew,
however shaymin appears out of nowhere and gets to purify the acidic water. To
which abyssal cult runs off as they have nothing more to threaten us with. This
is the moment when damian realizes that shaymin has chosen him.
Progressing further
through in the gameplay I move on over to the route where I found a starter
mon… a servine, and caught it, in the cave there was quite some mystery of
samaras cave. After going there I couldn’t really figure out what to do with
this place, though there was an eerie feeling around since I was overall
playing in the dark mode ofcourse. Though progressing further ahead I reach a
town called Koril town a sandy place and this is the town where I found a very
significant item from the gameplay… a Lucky egg which is greatly going to help
me out in training my mons, w were directed to the desert area, and so I did
went there.
In the cave of the
desert we get our introduction to the sky cult, which at first threaten a man and then get him killed via a bomb they
have placed. They express their intentions of reaching the Augur Jaern in the Helios
city and then convincing him to summon rayquaza for them, this is strange as to
why the Augur would do so,I believe the augur is the sky cult leader in
disguise, might have some idea as I have seen parts of Tyranitar tube play this
On the next stop was
this small city where I received another most important part of gameplay… a bike and then went through a
battle with damian in the previous cave in which wa shined through completely
making me love it more as a member of my team.
Moving up ahead there
are 2 simple routes followed by us reaching Helios city, nothing much eventful
happened there. Still gonna say this was before the third gym and my mons are
now capping near level 50 as venusaur has reached the level 50 mark, though
still thinking 3 mons are not enough might train up a few new members.
Now in the evening I
went ahead and got to go back to Metchi town to get my delta grimer, give it 2
rare candies and get it to evolve into a muk, now possibly looking at this mon
for a team. Exploring the helios city it is evident that it is the biggest city
in the region, someone is willing to trade me a delta lotad for a dragon type,
got myself a bonsly. And met the Gym leader Xavier once again who promises to
gift us something if we win the badge in the town. The huge departmental store
is also a point of interest to view and the sewer of the cities which is
obviously the next stop I have to go to.
I crawled around in
the sewers without using flash and struggled to find a way, then I impulsively
surfed n the side of the city and found a woman who handed over the tm of flash
to be, with this new found power, I decided to turn back to the sewer systems
and found myself landing in the black market, a few of very very useful items
and gadgets would be here, thought continuing t this rumored secret base of a
cult being here, we run into taen.
Out of nowhere then
Reukra comes and tells us to make a deal, as he clearly remembers handing over
the delta starters to us this was a very interesting thing to do for a cult
leader like him and then as he explains that perfection cult is more or less of
a group seeking more potential in Pokemon, with a long speech he tells us how
he’s like to study the mega evolution theories by us battling Taen a guy who
uses mega evolution himself. He kept a mega stunfisk and then a kyurem, however
a combination of muk and venusaur was able to take him out with ease, theonly
thing that really trouled me throughout this entirefight was his grumpig’s
teeter dance which took down gardevoir from a position of winning rather

After the battle
reukra gives us our very own mega ring and then moving a bit up ahead I found a
delta venusairite, which means now I have the access to mega evolving my own
starter pokemon, following up ahead there were a few sky cultists and right
before the main plotpoint a chansey that was there to heal my team, thankfully.
Then as we reach the
Augur Jaern he first acts shocked as if to why we are here and then in middle
of thanking us as to say brings out sky cultists and finally breaks the secret
of him being the leader of sky cult all along persuading people to trust him so
he can take control over torren. He also got rid of the first augur and his
hoopa so that the cult he started would not be in danger. The gym leader east
is also present there and we learn his Sky theme is the specialty of flying and
dragon type pokemon, and then the other deal, we battle east, if we lose we get
put up for sacrifice and vice versa, that is when I went ahead in these wild
conditions, the battle with third gym leader; it was relatively much easier to
go through as I was over leveled still to my surprise and then the ability of
mega venusaur which worked like a moxie for boosting special attacks piled up
the ko’s easily.
With that gym leader east is now surprisingly no more… then augur heads
up to the tower to summon rayquaza and so he does, and then challenges us with
it, for my ease; I used nuzzle on his mega rayquaza that used dragon dance and
then on second turn used ice beam and it got fully paralyzed. And I finished it
off with another one. There is tis famous crystal hanging around after the
battle that the Auger mentions having unlimited power that he needs, damian
reaches there and to avenge east, shatters the crystal into 3 parts with
shaymin as it scatters around the region and the augur flees to retrieve it.
Then we get a cutscene of Jaern finding one, another one being found by
a sky cultist and then the last one falling in hands of reukra. With this I
reached the pokemon center and as I got my pokemon healed report about a hiker
being attacked by sky cultists who was then saved by jaern tells how he will
never hear a word against the man as he saved his life. This lays a layer
of ‘oh! Its pretty useless to tell people he is a cult leader now’
On the next I day I
open up the file and travel through the cave which was previously being blocked
by the sky cultist, to now lead to utira town, where we need to go study about
a prophecy regarding hero. This cave held many fire types and I caught a few.
Once we find a secret passage n the library a librarian that looks a bit
significant from his appearance comes out and then helps us get through, behind
this locked doors are apparently ghost trainers which help us get through
there. Once I was finding a lot of ghost types that were significantly leveled
in these parts, I got an idea to put the delta pidgey I had caught a while back
to put it on the team, after all a dragon and dark type would be a good
addition to this team of mine. And so while training a bit in there it did
evolve quite easily. While right now my main focus was on training and leveling
up my mons in the significant times of gameplay when I have found a squad of
six I might as well be going back and getting myself a few berries to shed down
the extra evs and then ev train them to their best potential. But for now lets
keep it on the backpedal.
Progressing in the library we find a glowing orb that transforms into a
person who describes themselves as the person who knows the true prophecy and
after a boss battle with her, she spills the beans that the hero will defeat
all the cultists and then join the infernal cult which makes nora freak out as
to think one of us is a traitor she even goes as far as to say that damian
might be the traitor and probably his stepmother was right about him. To
hearing this damian leaves and then tells us to challenge the gym in sonata
city, after which capability of diving will be accessible to us. So that’s the
next stop
The next stop was
going to Miara town and then going to its museum, as we reach Miara town we see the leader of the
abyssal cult, then we go ahead and get ourselves to the museum there, where a
crawdaunt is blocking the obvious way, going to to see the blue orb exibit, the
leader of abyssal cult threatens to take it and then leaves with the clear bell
that was for summoning lugia an then explained since everyone thinks that
abyssal cult is after kyogre, it was much easier to get lugia another mon that
will be able to control seas. Then I reach the whirl islands, at this point I
had bought the ev training items as well as berries to remove the extra evs. My
delta gardevoir rocked here especially as it learned thunderbolt sweeping
through the grunts however when it came to battling Audrey with her lugia and
mega crawdaunt. My entire team made a collective effort for the win.
Then moving forward
we get asked this favor from the sailor to get to save an area from invading
pirates I found a delta axew in this area and caught it.
Moving over to the route next to this city we face a little cut seen of
jaern and Persephone talking to each other, about finding the crystal shards
and Persephone sending someone after us to get to us as the original plan
was to get rid of us for some reason. It seems that the darkrai and the sky
cult are working together. Moving on we finally get to sonata city where we
have to challenge the gym leader harmony, ust like some previous main battles
of the game, venusaur stacked up a few calm minds and then got stronger with
its ability called hubris. The most trouvbling mon was her leading mincinno
with skill link and a kings rock which happened to flinch me multiple turns
until I got out my pidgeot which I named dabura after the dbz character and
glared and took it down, in a fairy gym it was prolly the last member I was
thinking of taking the lead but it really helped from there I 1 shot even her
mysteriously famous mega miltank.
After this battle we
get the news that this hospital has its power cut, I went around the hospital
basically wasting tons of time on my hands and then realized the simple thing
we need to do was to go to the basement. There we find reukra and taen once
Reukra knows harmony for some reason and then requests her to meet her
father who is hospitalized there she declines and is reluctant at first but
reukra explqains the only reason to cut the power was to get her to come there. Eventually upon hearing that the stake
of people’s lives are at hand she lets him meet her father. The room above
Reukra gives a suggestion for a treatment to get his father injected with
pokerus as a way to treat him as it would be amazingly affective; harmony
distrustfully does so however the experiment goes wrong and he turns into a
human pokemon hybrid.
Damian enters the room while being loud and gets instantly kidnapped.
Now nora and harmony go off in search of damian and then harmony tells us to
warn the next town’s leader about how the cult is after her now.
We reach the next town kepler city to be exact and warn the leader
though after exiting her plant we see audrey appear out of nowhere and
threatens to flood the world and is prepapring to bring out kyogre. We
obtain a diving suit and dive down in the ocean we get to their base, though I
got wrecked at first and decided to come back and stock up on hyper potions and
revives, going back after obtaining Audrey, the leader’s dna we transform and
go through her alakazam’s light screen. Here Audrey explains to us that there
are many moiré creatures and beasts down in the ocean and kyogre will let her
bring them out one by one as her cult would go stronger, I surprisingly hadn’t
healed before the battled with my gardevoir as she lead with her volt absorb
lantern so nothing could be done their with lantern burning me with scalds and
venusaur mega evolving and using calm minds and moonlights to set up it was
kinda a sweep until kyogre with her own calm mind setting up got down in 2
turns. Gardevir picked up her mega and then kingdra, surprising she didn’t use
her lugia this battle, after all it isn’t a water type after all.
With this the plot develops much more further the melde guy who is
harmony’s father appears and then orders Audrey to join him and tells how
amazing he feel due to the pokerus. Then tells her about her selfishness and
how she left her own child alone to go after a pokemon, all of a sudden damian
appears and we realize Audrey is the mother of damian, which is a huge twist;
damian takes away the crystal rom her and kyogre is freed. All of a sudden
kyogre takes Audrey down into the ocean with her, probably ending her. Then
melde reassures damian that he did good after he has a bit of remorse that his
actions harmed his mother.
We stand there
explaining this to harmony, after a bit of here and there I gave an attempt at
harmony but lost by her mega metagross in a surprising sweep. It was time to
train today. EV train before the 5th gym, I was through the half way
point of the game maybe or before the badges so the following the the squad of
now 6 pokemon that I came up:
Some important things
that happened in the training days of 14/5/2020 and 15/5/2020:
I found a shiny while training the the secluded
section of the library, a shiny dusclops; however so panicked when it used a
curse, misclicked into running away. Seems so I have bad luck with these shinys
as last time I found one in an official game; pokemon crystal, I didn’t have
any pokeballs.
I chose flygon as the last member for a specific
reason that it now has 2forms I can alternate between. Like the mega flygon
form as well as the armored form, I wanted an armored form on my team, and
flygon felt like a great mix.
Now all my team is in above level 50s of the
levels, I overall found ev training quite easy and that is why I set it out to
do since its simply made so easy in these games that it felt like a need to do
The team composition is kinda ok-ish I guess.
Muk is the physical wall and now flygon after the armor and calm ature can act
as a decent special wall. Another ver big development was that I tried to have
a raffle for changing nature and got exactly that its relaxed nature changed to
calm, much better now.
I now have 3
functioning mega pokemon on my team.
Now that my attempt
at anasthasia went super well afterbeing smart to set up 3 minimize in front of
her substitute swagger foul play spamming klefki, I got attack boost as well, after that thing went
down muk started sweeping through her team, even 1 shottong her mega metagross
but then went down to an ice punch from her electrivire. Which I later took
down with the power of my latest mon, a mega flygon, whose offense I was quite
impressed by, and so another leader went down. It was kinda tactical to get
around her 3 air balloon carrying mons in a steel and electric gym but nothing
that was too much for flygon and this now overlevelled team of mine.
After his we are
prompted to visit her in her workshop and there we find taen once again, taen
looks to be happy with one of his commissions anasthasia had worked on, a
zekrom armor, this armor is equipped by his Zekrom and Orion appears after his
reshiram tells him to, then after challenging and losing to Taen, Orion now
loses his reshiram as well, we are prompted forward to selene citys dragon
tower now.
Passing though the
next route e reach a small town called nasca town with this town’s upon
reaching which there were these strange cuts in the screen for some reason and
then we appear in a void where a cloaked figure tells us about what we have to
do now, stop Persephone and some hints about nora. main attraction being a
safari zone which I couldn’t be bothered with so I passed to murk forest to
reach hikate town which uses these cool looking fiery magic teleporters to
switch between areas of town and this is the place were we first hear of
infernal cultists invading this area. In this town I found my second lucky egg
that was held by a whismur and felt quite lucky to myself that the process of
grinding is now gonna be much more simplified.
Now it was time to
take down the infernal cult and it was actually much more easier than I
expected my mons ran through zenith’s team. Zenith is the leader of infernal
cult who was also the librarian who helped us back when for the true intention
of getting to know the prophecy. There is his thing about zenith that makes him
feel like a guy who is kinda full of himself and that really makes him be a not
so impressive villain in this case.
Upnext we have to
reach selene city to challenge diana’s psychic and dark type gym. There was
this interesting thing about selene city as firstly that there was Persephone
in there and then the talks of a mysterious beast roaming there at night though
it would flee every time, getting all the inquiry from around town, we face the
delta liepard finally and that is when I got the chance to catch it.
Uptil this point I
had stopped training dabura as its offenses weren’t really impressing me
though, however through now moving forward we see a convo between Persephone
and Diana, who happen to be sisters and seems like they have fallen out over
the topic of darkrai, after this Persephone notices us and challenges us with
her unprepared team, she lead with a zoroark disguised as a gengar into which I
stupidly put earth powers into thinking mega gengar has shadow tag though it
was actuallya freakishly cool looking zoroark on her squad; after the defeat
she leaves and then Diana assures us that she is doing all this for a reason.
Diana’s gym was
rather uneventful for a puzzle I thought was gonna be complicated while going
me a lot of experience happened literally to be a straight walk through to the
leader’s room, which seemed like a funny thing especially for a gym with
invisible walls. The battle was a surprising sweep by my feraligatr as it used
agility and after 2 foul plays from her leading sableye the torrent boost got
activated it tok down 5/6 of her mons in a 1 shot 1 shotting the mega
gothitelle with a crit but then cresselia survived. Which my other team members
picked up surprisingly so I didn’t have any megas for this might as I wasn’t
expected a straight walk through to the gym leader and though Diana was also a
gym trainer… whelps this was probably the easiest gym leader fight so far in
this playthrough.
As we leave the gym
we see taen moving over to the dragon ruins and then on reaching the top he
attempts to fuse kyurem, eshiram and zekrom after he so explains the lore of
the original dragon however not knowing its name it doesn’t have the ability to
call them out and then challenges us and nora to a double battle. With kyurem
white, armored zekrom and then this time a mega typhlosion on his hands, after
loing the battle kyurem and reshiram split and then reshiram leaves to orion
who came on the scene. As kyurem and zekrom flee to which taen leaves the
sight. After this we get the ability tessaract from nora’s celebi.
Over to the next
route I see how quickly the level gap had jut been covered in this small travel
through of the game and I needed to do something about it, though I reach
amphritite city, the location of the second last gym and it feels as if the
region’s story is starting to speed up to its climax. With walking out of the
previous route with 1 mon living I felt like another grinding session was on
its way.
After starting out
another gameplay session in the am hours of 16/5/2020 I did some research beforehand and realized that I was
soon to get mew so I got into the crystal cave area dn then here is where we
meet a royal looking mysterious figure who distrusts us and tells us the story
that the crystal that is being held on by the cultitsts was made by arceus and
then delegated to different people including, this person, steven stone as well
as red. He says to us that mew will be waiting for us and so it did, capturing
it was quite the easy task.
After this I tried to
ev train mew for a bit but honestly got tired. Its special attack ivs we just
purely horrible so I researched on the secret bases much more and realized I
could max them out legitimately. Now after this I got the ivs maxed out and
soon after got myself the exp training I had to go several rounds and once even
trying to get myself to sell the great balls and a few stones which I can buy
later on as well anyways, so there wasn’t much need for it; I decided to call
this session out final and then get myself my team all above level 80s. my
venusaur as ace gets the special few levels in being level 87 now. After this I
rushed over to calreath who I had rather embarrassingly lost to just beforehand
however… this time I forgot to put on any useful items on my team at all and
well got past his second mon kabutops, but then finally him sending out manaphy
was the last straw for me. Now I have decided to armor my flygon and then
challenge this guy:
It went really easy
overall, especially just by making these few smart choices on my team, it
really did end up working out well in my favor. Beforehand in a town there was
this entire vaccine against the deoxys disease fiasco that happened as well and
somehow I completely have forgot about it. Zachary is supposed to be a very trustworthy
figure in the people of the region, so when he starts vaccinating, people take
shots but it is actually a greater plot to instill mind control in them. I was
reminded of this entire event after I came back to the save file on the evening
of 16/5/2020 and realized there is a tv broadcast event in Amphitrite which is
being done by Zachary just outside the gym.
Zachary prompts
everyone to get vaccinated and to get out and bring calreath to him as he is a
threat, this means now a majority is under the control of zachary’s mind
control powers. Calreath flees seeing this situation and for the first time we
see nora’s spirit dwindle a bit, for the reason that Zachary is essentially the
most powerful person in the region, how would they be able to take them down.
Now to move onto
mount rose we see that our path is blocked and that reukra called to help us,
we reach there and reukra would want a part of mew’s dna in exchange and they
know about all this mew business as our mega ring has a tracker in it. After
taking the dna of mew and combining it with this information they are able to
make mewtwo and then taen challenges us again, this time once again with a
varied team having a different mega, mega zebstrika; it was kinda easy to take
him down here.
After this we go back
as reukra says the infected two in malde and damian would help us, and they do
so; malde tells us to get the crystal off of Persephone and zachary’s hands and
that is why we are being given this favor, now after this upon climbing mount rose
there is a jump cut to calreath getting Diana at her gym and then them leaving,
and darkrai follows her, we realize that Persephone is spying on Diana and know
is confirmed that there has to be a reason that darkrai is after Diana and
doesn’t come to her. Climbing further up ahead we get to a lovely little snow
town, some people there hate and some there love it. Now from the top of this
mountain is where we have to take down infernal cult.
On for 17/5/2020 I go
ahead to get myself challenge the infernal cult for the second time, upon
entering there base with calreath and nora being in one group and then Diana
and us being in the other, being quite; Persephone intervenes…
This is where we get
to know a bit of a background of Diana as well when Persephone calls her out
for leaving her alone in a bad spot and her being an infernal cultist. Upon hearing this zenith or Zachary comes up
and imprisons us alongside Persephone. We anno the guard to get him to battle
us and then get his dna to transform and escape; Zachary realizes that we
escaped and comes up to us as he panics to guard him for his broadcast. When he
is about to start calreath’s manaphy comes out to interrupt and we blow out our
disguise in front of him, using this table as a battle platform alongside his
groudon, zenith sends calreath in a trap door down to their basement.
This is when he
challenges us to a battle alongside his double legendaries of heatran and a
primal groudon as well as a mega blaziken this time, but he was easy to take
down. After the battle another disuised member appears and eventually we find
out that it was that girl we fought back in the library and she reveals it was
all special effects and so and this big villain is again here referred
mysteriously as ‘she’ who is basically suing them like puppets and making these
events happen. This person without giving their name tells Zachary that the
prophecy she told was obviously fake and the dialogue has a humorous undertone
to it. I forgot to write but from
proceeding from dragon ruins the 2nd augur also has a scene with
these seemingly giratina cultists. And he too says as if he was being used all
along for ‘Her’. After this we are prompted to end the infernal cult for the
better and we obtain zachary’s DNA as well as his shard of the crystal, finally
one piece is in our hands now. Persephone tells us to follow her and then takes
diana’s mons alongside cresselia to bait darkrai, we take Diana and escape; now
the next stop is supposed to be either shade forest as Diana went after Persephone
or nara town.
By accessing the
heart swap statue by the deycaan town that I visited I was able t reach nara
town with quite some ease. Here in narra town I got myself a delta growlithe
and then a delta girafarig on thed previous route by trading. By entering the
cave that we need to progress we see malde disguised as a normal erson, he
tells us to go to the shade forest as horrible things are happening there.
We reach there at the
darkrai cult base and persephoeis once again trying to get to summon darkrai
and when it appears she threatens it with damanging and then trapping cresselia
in its pokeball. Persephone states that send them (malde, damian and us) to the
dream realm of our mind, however an enraged darkrai happens to send everyone
That is where we
enter a dreamland or a nightmare land that is part of our mind by this portal.
This is where we find Persephone now in distress of where has she ended up
herself in. and after bragging about how shocked we would be after finding out
what she did to us before we escaped, she battles us, this time with a mega
spiritomb. Travelling through this area was quite easy and her main mon were
level 80 right here, but the battle wasn’t tough. One interesting detail to
notice was that this time she has a good mix of psychic types in there
presumably from the mons of Diana that she stole, after losing she continues on
to find an escape.
Moving further we
find damina and malde that are looking for an escape themselves and then malde
suggests since this dream realm is a
part of our mind if we are no more then they would be able to escape pretty
freely. Then prompting a deoxys infused damian to battle us, where he starts
off with a deoxys of his own and then on the roster he has his mega charizard
as well as a sky form shamin, though he too was taken down. After losing malde
prompts him to leave but damian stands in front of us silent for a moment, then
handles us the crystal shard secretly now giving us the two pieces we needed. There
is more hints and talks about a mistress that they work for, and her plan here
again shrouded in mystery but one point is made clear that whoever this secret
person or giratina group is they have the most power out of any, we don’t fully
understand them yet but the crystal must not go in there hand as a cloaked
giratina figure had even told us the mysterious words of ‘its time for the
world to return to the mirror’
Continuing on in this
rather fascinating area where cities and towns are small however named
interestingly after parts of a brain or termed after them, we reach erebus
city, after being reminded many times throughout that the gym leader there
called Adam is waiting for us. Upon entering the gym Adam introduces himself as
the first augur.
After solving a big
laser puzzle that I had to look up in the second room I finally reach there and
a big mystery of the plot is completely unfolded. Adam who was the first augur
also was our father being chosen by hoopa and then by the group of the supremem
trainers was given the crystal so that he can use its powers to solve the
problems of torren’s cults somewhere in there being over confident he lead his
guard down and then lost to these cults, Persephone was the one who tricked him
and trapped him in our mind. This dream realm, she also tried to delete our
memories with making her gengar use dream eater to finish him off and us as a
threat aswell, however he was able to contact hoopa and sent mew to help us;
this was the voice that we were hearing at the start of the game when we wake
up at the cult base. The fight went really smooth though. My mega flygon was
able to take the win without going down, despite him using 2 full restores and
a max revive. This flygon in its mega form and bug type is quite powerful
though. He tells us to leave asap as time passes differently and upon going out
of this place nora tells us to reach gaea town as the augur is fighting one of
the giratina members.
In the evening of
17/5/2020 as it was a Sunday I decided to make a huge leap of sorts in the
gameplay. So what I did was simply go on ahead to Amphitrite city. There we
find jaern and then the mysterious figure in a giratina robe. She is battling
jaern and defeats his raquaza and tells him how he was a nuisance to be the
leader of the sky cult and get the crystal for himself, well that happened and
then just like that jaern was exposed. This giratina figure tells us to follow
through to the place where we found mew on our journey and jaern is eft broken
and escapes as people are questioning him, now a third of the crystal has gone
in the hands of giratina cultists with only a single part in my hand. We reach
over there however jaern stops us in our tracks and battles us, this time not
with a team of flying types as one would expect but a team of strong mixed mons
as the augur, the battle was easy though. I go ahead and a grunt tells me to
follow through and skip dimensions to find and visit Her on the other end as
she wants to meet us. We go there passing many known areas of the pokemon games
until we are in the hall of hegemony, here she finally is revealed and calls
herself nyx, these are people that sided with giratina when giratina and arceus
fought and as a result of giratina losing they were trapped in the distortion
Following is a
passage taken from pokemon insurgence’s wiki as nyx explains a lot through her
Originally calling the
Distortion Realm home, Nyx and her followers believe that the universe which
the player calls home, the "matter universe", was originally meant to
be the "antimatter universe". Instead, Nyx and her group were forced
to dwell within the antimatter universe due to Giratina losing to Arceus in a
battle over the right to rule over the two universes, causing Giratina to be
dethroned and sealed away within the Distortion Realm. Living within the
Distortion Realm led to the corruption of the appearances of Nyx and everyone
else dwelling within the Distortion Realm, which ultimately forced Nyx to act
to save her own universe at the price of destroying the matter universe. With
this in mind, Nyx would eventually make it her goal to take back the Crystal
from Arceus's control and return it to Giratina.
Nyx's first involvement in the player's story is traced back to the
creation of the Infernal Cult, where she used her own abilities to push Zenith
towards creating the cult and ultimately causing enough strife and discord in
the Torren region to force the The Timeless to act. The Infernal Cult's actions
would eventually inspire the creation of other cults and the actions carried
out by all of them would cause Adam to take it upon himself to stand against
the cults and their plots. Adam's strength alone was insufficient, leading to
him seeking out assistance from The Timeless. By majority vote, The Timeless
agreed to allow Adam to borrow the power of the Crystal, allowing Nyx's plans
to proceed forward smoothly.

However, Nyx's plans first started to go awry once Jaern became
involved and managed to deceive Adam before she was able to influence Zenith to
claim the Crystal first. As a result, the Crystal fell into Jaern's hands and
Nyx had to develop a new plan to take the Crystal from Jaern. To further
complicate matters, Jaern managed to lose possession of the Crystal during the
events at the Jade Tower, creating two new targets for Nyx to target in order
to regain the Crystal, now in pieces. To prepare herself to take the Crystal
Pieces away from Zenith after he had hopefully obtained them from the other
cults, Nyx enlisted the assistance of an amateur street magician disguising
himself as an Ancient Oracle to feed Zenith false prophecies and lower his
guard upon hearing "foretold" good news.
After this it was
finally time to battle the big boss of this game. Nyx invites to battle you in
an inverse battles where type effectiveness are inversed and then I lost on the
first try. Was kinda thinking I’ll get
some sort of a game over screen but the game saved me by putting me back in a
pokemon centre as I used the money I had gathered and grinding my mons upto the
level 90s. now going forward after defeating nyx the crystal is again reunited
and then giratina appears locking us in there. During battle the giratina
happens to react to the crystal turning into its origin form or something, it
took a reset to get it caught in a timer ball.
Moving on as the
crystal is taken from us, we go through Nexa town upnext to go ahead and
challenge the pokemon league however this huge area called the victory road was
in the way having 3 distinct sections in volcanic, then ice and then plains
area, plains was by far the easiest and I struggled with the ice puzzles so
looked them up. Since I had already grinded a fair bit I had to skip the
trainers wherever I could. Finally getting to reach the pokemon league. I kinda
hoped that my mons had better movesets and strategy when combined on a team so
I happened to backtrack a bit with the move relearner and got them some
modified movesets, then being ready to challenge the pokemon league after all
this chaos of the game.
On the am hours of
18/5/2020 I came back got my mew moveset together as well as a delta
gardevoirite. Upon entering the league I was told that the format will be at
set that adds a layer of challenge
The first member I ended
up facing was elite four Kayla whose team is based around setup and baton pass
with a team of smeargle, slowbro, blaziken, sylveon, espeon and a scizor; the
setup gave me a whole lotta trouble especially as the set format gave her more
time to setup the mega slowbro picked up my mega venusaur and I quickly stuck
to going for hyper offense, my style. She kinda made some stupid moves or say
got greedy with her setup and ended up falling.
Well I happen to fall
against the next 1 called yuki and get ice types, tried again and Kayla crushed
me… I need to firstly get all my mons to level 100 as all mons of e4’s team are
equal to your highest level and then make a proper strategy and shift up a team
to take down this elite four.
Following is my
gameplay team that I took to the elite four
And so I thought I
need to completely scrap this team and build a new one from scratch if I wanted
a chance at this however I soon realized that that wouldn’t be necessary after
all after giving this some thought, I realized just what I needed to do with
this team for it to be successful.
Firstly I stirred up
some movesets and made a note on varying item choices or shifting them in
between during the elite four lineup. Feraligatr now learned roar and swords
dance, mew got a completely special moveset (though I kept fly for convenience)
and got ev’d to be a purely special sweeper now. Gardevoir also got thunder
wave instead of thunder to cripple my opponents.
Now I won’t be
writing down how each and every elite four member went but a basic idea of what
I did to be successful against them:
First up Kayla was
here and I roared her initial smeargle’s baton pass, her sylveon had setup
about 4 calm minds as muk came in clutch by its minimize and stockpiles ko’ing
it with a combo of earthquake + toxic damage so she wouldn’t use full restores
on it. From that point on it was a bit of gardevoir spamming twave despite
being given specs for this battle and I won easily.
For thenext two
battles with london and then with yuki, mew held choice specs and gardevoir was
equipped with a choice scarf. The choice specs really did end up helping me out
in these battles. and I was able to defeat them easily. Mega venusaur was about
to set up another victorious sweep until I realized that mega cryogonal’s
signature ability of sleet was a hail that increased in chip damage ever turn.
Each battle here took a revive and then against yuki’s cryogonal I had to use
my sdefx2 to survive its hits with my mew which finished it off.
Last up was London in
this battle I gave my flygon its mega stone and it surviving the psyshock from
his mega reunicles by just 4 hp points was able to ko it with a second bug buzz
of its own, from there the last few trick room turns were quite tough however,
once trick room was over I overcame his team with offense. Two revives were
used in this battle.
Last up it was time
for the champion battle, with reukra, this was probably the most interesting
battle I have had in this entire playthrough. First up he leadswith his armored
tyranitar as I contest it with my specs mew, for some stupid reason after
surviving an aura sphere and setting up a dragon dance he uses up 2 of his full
restores and then decides to switch into his haxorus, which lived by a sliver s
well and then repeated using 2 more of his full restores. Mew was able to take
them both down by spamming choice specs boosted aura spheres. Then came out his
big boss, the shadow mewtwo, against this beast I decided to send out my muk
and got to use toxic on it as it was now also taking chip damage from the sand
that was ticking by, after muk went down I decided to bring out my mega
venusaur and use leech seed on it, his shadow mewtwo actually went down from
now about half health to a combination of leech seed and toxic damage, that’s a
way to call it a team effort. Then came in his kyurem taking out my venusaur
with his specs ice beam, realizing he was choice locked I brought in my
feraligatr and used 2 sdefs as I began to use revives on my team, all five of them,
at this point I am running out of mons to battle as feraligatr was my last mon
left. I was healing up my other mons as kyurem kept using ice beam into it, as
well as feraligatr when it came down to low enough health, just for the fun of
it I also used my x speedx 2 as well as my xattack x2 and then went to take out
his kyurem as he switches out into volcarona possibly running out of ice beam
pp, then last up for him was his armored delta volcarona, which feraligatr took
down as kyurem came back out missing 2 draco meteor in a row but then took down
feraligatr now my 5 mons that were healthy due to revives, I sent out mew which
finished the battle off with one single aura sphere. Mew has definitely been
the mvp of this league and more for that its aura sphere has a big impact in
its success.
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