A Journey for a new team:
After having success with my rather goodstuff-ish weezing
team, I decided to look towards more anti meta ideas, don below is a picture of
a long long list of teams I had tried out while trying to find something new
and innovative, I tried to make sandaconda work with its minimize + sand veil
capability to cheese opponents to being diverted to look into mr rime at times
and particularly enjoying the combination with rotom forms. The came an idea in my mind, the very first vgc 20
team I was trying to make as we were in the bsd format was to make my new fav
intelleon work and eiscue really piqued my interest, so that I went ahead and quickly
worked up a team which definitely wasn’t successful at all. It just reminded me
of how a old idea like that was significant so far into this build and im
really happy wit the team I ended up with.
![]() Vanilluxe @ Focus Sash
Ability: Snow Warning
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Aurora Veil
- Beat Up
![]() Arctovish @ Life Orb
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Blizzard
- Brine
- Fishious Rend
- Protect
![]() Jellicent @ Kasib Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 50
EVs: 172 HP / 172 Def / 164 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Water Spout
- Protect
- Trick Room
- Giga Drain
![]() Mudsdale @ Leftovers
Ability: Stamina
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- High Horsepower
- Iron Head
- Protect
- Rock Slide
![]() Sylveon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 92 Def / 148 SpA / 4 SpD / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hyper Voice
- Mystical Fire
- Hyper Beam
- Magical Leaf
![]() Gallade (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Justified
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Atk / 52 Def
Careful Nature
- Drain Punch
- Trick Room
- Night Slash
- Protect
Individual analyses:
First up is the base idea of the team, vanilluxe i have made
clear why did I chose this pokemon to start off my search fr a new effective
team with, firstly hail causes disruption in weather, making thing like
rhyperior and torkoal weaker, whereas disrupting rain as well, vanilluxe has
the capability of being able to set up both the screens, in the name of aurora
veil, so it gives its allies a massive defense boost, then for its technicalities
in this state of the metagame pokemon like whimsicott are very annoying, it has
the ability to take it down in one turn with a blizzard taking it down to its
sash and then the hail chip damage making it faint, the dragapult togekiss lead
is something that is becoming quite popular, which is something I saw on many
teams, with a powerful spread attack in blizzard, vanilluxe can really threaten
this lead. Then comes the 4x weaknesses of this metagame to freezedry, pokemon
like gyarados, gastrodon as well as dracovish are all quite common and big
threats of the metagame, dracovish not so much, but gyarados and gastrodon are
big obstacles for a team like this that has 2 water types, vanilluxe provides excellent
coverage for them with freeze dry. Beat up is obviously a tech move that I kept
on this pokemon because of two reasons, obviously mudsdale and gallade both of
which could e a great tech for it to utilize with beat up, though not being a
central strategy, this combination often got me through more passive defensive
combinations with gallade to more offensive and threatening combinations when
partnered with mudsdale, at times I would feel like that protect would do
vanilluxe good as people sometimes do double target it expecting a focus sash
or trying to avoid aurora veils.
I gave it timid nature to make it outspeed any adamant
gyarados running around whose max power whips are a big threat to this team.
Arctovish is a simple man, well I guess a man with its head
upside down and fins and flippers to swim and such; arctovish was the core idea
when i built this team to start off with blizzard spamming, particularly to
work against the aforementioned togekiss + dragapult combination. Arctovish in
trick room modes could also provide for the most dangerous moves in the game,
fishious rend especially to help out with fire types threatening vanilluxe. Arctovish
is put here to do damage in trick room and it does that job well. Having the advantage
of decent offensive stats and to be used in trick room giving it a speed
lowering nature gives it the benefit of using the life orb item to its fullest.
Jellicent, in the first few drafts of the team, jellicent
was a ‘just there’ kind of pokemon on the team, however when I brought it to
games and just immaturely slapped on water spout, especially upon maxing it in
trick room, I truly realized that this mon had quite some potential in the
game. Jellicent, though having its common weaknesses in this format is
something that can set up trick room very reliably, with its water absorb
really helping it out in its bulk against opposing water types. The move strength
sap might be more beneficial however I felt like max overgrowth could help out
in sticky situations in which gastrodon stalls the field when I have jellicent
dynamaxed. A simple statement for jellicent is that do not underestimate the
power of max water spout, alongside arctovish whose fishoius red also gets
The ev spread is here to make it survive a max overgrowth
from a jolly gyarados and rest goes into spa.
Mudadale is something I didn’t consider much at all in the
initial drafts of the team however when in theory feeling the need of a ground
and fairy type to ideally cover some of this cores’ weaknesses, mudsdale seemed
really to be the best answer to these threats. Knowing how well mudsdale was
able to take advantage of its dynamax and with jellicent only being
situationally good in dynamax, I knew mudsdale was the call, this mon also in a
non serious way firstly inspired the beat up on my vanilluxe. I tried assault vest
variants however in some games mudsdale was being double targeted or
overwhelmed by offense with my opponents realizing how big of a threat it
actually is, having sitrus berry allows for recovery and protect goes for more
mind games.
You might see above that in the last time I made a draft
post of this team though in a hurry there was an alcremie on here, well the thing
with sylveon nd alcremie were that both
of these mons are very similar stat wise, alcremie provided more of a utility
and support side to the team with decorate, sweet veil and helping hand while
providing less offense with the same coverage, sylveon is more of a sweeper in
this attention and I think it worked better on this team, alcremie for this
team became a bit too passive at times, seeing I was already say, setting up
scenarios with jellicent, gallade and mudsdale, alcremie added another layer
that made the working of the team too intricate. Sylveon made it simpler, its
job is to sweep, do loads of damage and it does that the best.
Gallade came as that final piece to this puzzle, I feel like
that gallade really does fit well into this team, it has the capability to d
many things, get into dyanmax and sweep opposing teams when boosted with
justified, be a threat by being a bulkier recovery hp recovery while dealing
damage with drain punch, or to set up trick room for its teammates. Gallade covers
up the rock weakness of its partners well as well as beats steel types for
vanilluxe and sylveon. Overall I am really happy to have put gallade on this
team as it feels really complete.

- Blizzard Spam:
Arctovish can be a scary mon in trick room, when both of
these are brought in games and vanilluxe goes down, it is time for arctovish to
shine where it can also spam 100%accurate STAB blizzards at its opponents which
piles up in the team’s favor towards a win.

- Arctovish + Jellicent:
When the time requires, jellient can dynamax launching base
15 power max moves at its opponents setting up the rain, further boosting
arctovish’s fishious rend and water type attacks, this combination is
particularly useful in trick room as the threat of torkoal and rhyperior with
their weather disruption is always around.

- Vanilluxe beat up:
As mentioned above vanilluxe can really help shift the pace
of a battle by an early beat up + justified combo either with mudsdale or
gallade which puts me at an immediate advantage against unsuspecting teams.

- Dynamaxed Gyarados:
Gyarados with its max moves has all the potential to
threaten this team, firstly dealing loads of damage, not falling to a single freeze
dry alongside hitting many of the team’s members for super effective damage,
one of the most clear threats of the team have to be gyarados. Preserve vanilluxe
for this.

- Bulky Arcanine:
Though jellicent and arctovish and even mudsdale destroy
this combination, when arcanine is ignored for even a turn or so it can really
hinder the team, either by going for a snarl or a will-o-wisp, it simple
switching in can compromise the physical attack damage output of the team with
intimidate. Get rid of it asap.

- Gmax Pikachu:
I hate that team, especially when paired up on leads with a
rock slide user or togekiss, gmax Pikachu causes loads of trouble for this team
when it causes paralyses, also if partnered particularly with togekiss, these
two can take down the both of my trick room setters in a turn. Just for the general annoying I think it’s a threat.
Best way to counter is playing smart with mudsdale.
i hope that you really like this team and would give it a try, it surely isn't the best at all, but i think you will find it fun.
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