This is a team I have been working on and refining for quit
some time now, starting out with the combination of a relatively offensive
weezing combined with whimsicott’s supportive potential and the disruption
these two caused I started out to build a team around this combination and
following is the end result that I much love on this team:
Weezing-Galar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Neutralizing Gas
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 220 SpA / 4 SpD / 28 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Bomb
- Strange Steam
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Unnerve
Level: 50
EVs: 156 HP / 12 Atk / 76 Def / 252 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
- Brave Bird
- Body Press
- Bulk Up
- Roost
Dracovish @ Life Orb
Ability: Strong Jaw
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fishious Rend
- Protect
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tailwind
- Fake Tears
- Taunt
- Energy Ball
Hydreigon @ Haban Berry
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 20 Def / 164 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Protect
- Earth Power
Chandelure @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Heat Wave
- Trick Room
- Imprison
Weezing and Whimsicott:

Knowing how I like my offensive style of play and being
aware of weezings amazing move coverage I decided to give a chance to galarian
weezing with an assault vest. Originally starting out with a dragon fairy steel
core of hydreigon, weezing and corviknight and adding in the fwg core of
cinderace, dracovish and whimsicottt, I soon fell in love with what I’ll call
the ultimate lead of whimsicott + weezing and following is the reason why:
Weezing’s neutralizing gas on leads stops any
weather leads as their abilities do not activate
Weezing’s presence also scores out any justified
+ beat up leads as justified won’t work
Most noticeably weezing has the capability of
easily outspeeding and hitting grimmsnarl with a super effective attack and
makes it lose its priority bracket due to neutralizing gas.
Paired up with whimsicott this disruptive
combination becomes an offensive threat
Weezing can go for dyamax making it much bulkier
than normal and release a barrage of wide type coverage special attacks which
can also set up misty terrain which stops any status schenanigans or boost its
teammates’ special attack by using max ooze which also makes it successively
Tailwind gives it amazing speed too which is
much needed for it to favor the team in the first few turns of dynamax
Fake tears also makes weezing an offensive
This combination overall has the potential to age well,
looking forward to gmax grimmsnarl mainly and has an amazing presence and
impact to the current meta as a lead.

Now for the next, mon, knowing that weezing is most
threatened by ground and steel types whereas whimsicott falls to fire types
however does a good job in defeating water types especially gastrodon, and
aiding weezing’s neutralizing gas to shut off storm drain redirection from
fishious rend, what was just a oh lets try out this mon, made onto this team as
a very solid pokemon, non other than dracovish. Whimsicott and weezing set up
the field in the start of most games and what is left off the opponent is
usually finished by the incoming dracovish.
In certain weird scenarios or sticky situations I can
benefit much from dnamaxing my dracovish and using max quake as well as max
wyrmwind to target down unsuspecting opponents, especially with max quake
coming with the advantage of raising my corviknight’s special defense where I
need that boost for a late game setup and sweep.
This dracovish set might be odd to people as I am running
life orb with protect and draco meteor, well the calc down below should explain
the importance of having life orb + draco meteor whereas the move protect is an
amazing utility move for dracovish as most people do not suspect this move one
bit and fall into getting rid of dracovish asap, since when isn’t this beast
seen as a threat. This is a simple yet extremely affective innovation that I love
to have on this dracovish.
Overall I found this set to work as the best for utility as I
realized that I only ever used the dragon, ground and water coverage and other
filler move slots for leech life, psychic fangs, ice fang or crunch weren’t
felt as much needed at all.
0- SpA Life Orb Dracovish Draco Meteor vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Dragapult:
164-195 (100 - 118.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Speaking of here in some situations dracovish helps
corviknight, these fall into each other as best buddies, as in other games
where my corviknight is dynmaxed, where fish needs an extra helping hand on the
speed or the attack side, corviknight with its max moves provides a boost for
both of them. this is also favored by the fact that my dracovish outspeeds this
corviknight exactly by one stat point so that in the situations that dracovish
gets a much needed speed boost from
corviknight, it will fire off the potentially, now fastest move and
strongest fishious rend on the field.
For long I did debate the moveset choice for this
corviknight as I felt like there should be iron head and iron defense in place
of brave bird and bulk up respectively however after seeing how important a
potential attack boost alongside the defenses becomes for corviknight as well
as how well it compliments dracovish as a partner (where it is usually brought
to eliminate a fire type threat on the opponent’s team) I felt like it choosing
the later two moves was much beneficial for me
Another note on its ability, unnerve, it is specifically
placed here to block out berries from the opponents, as it further aids the
team’s offenses and especially helps in late game situations vs a snorlax the
hp evs are there to get maximum recovery from leftovers where the rest goes
into defense after maxed special defense, the speed evs of 12 instead of 4 are
these to creep mirrors in situations this may be needed.

This slot, well generally the last two slots were much much
debated on the team as it went from the exacadrill scarf with chandelure’s air balloon to mamoswine and rotom heat and
after some time coming back to excadrill but then with rotom, I had on paper
and firstly in practice used hydreigon and chandelure to start off with however
at first the duo seemed lackluster, with further testing I felt like these two
were for thebest of the team.
Hydreigon is simple and affective in what it does on this
team. The one bit of an interesting choice seems to be the haban berry,
hydreigon can either ko or get ko’d when it comes to mirror matches and when
versing a dragapult, haban berry gives it the edge in those situations since,
lets be honest, it wouldn’t be able to do much against a fairy or fighting type
with a resistant berry anyways. The addition of earth power allows this mon to
hit sand teams and fire types for super effective damage as when dynamaxed max
quake can greatly help corviknight in late game setup situations.

Chandelure is a simple man, it was chosen here for the
purpose of; eating up fire type attacks from arcanine, countering will-o-wisp
and countering trick room, all of the aforementioned things my team up to this
point was having trouble against, which the last duo needed to cover,
chandelure does as great as it can against trick room teams by using imprison
to block out any trick room setters from exceeding as well as hit with
extremely strong fire and ghost type moves, it literally eats up fire type
moves with flash fire, an ability which could be swapped for infiltrator or
cursed body, however in a format where offensive arcanine, torkoal and some
charizard are always around the corner, flash fire helps you out not only
defensively but by also boosting the offenses of chandelure.
Overall I am as happy as I can be with this team of mine, I love
it to bits, especially to build a team this successful, dynamic and affective
this early in the format is something I haven’t been able to do in the past and
I love it to bits, surely more people should use this one. I hope that this
team was interesting for you and you give it a try.
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