Hi guys today I am back with somewhat of a second
installment to my series in which I take in everyday meta archetypes and make
quite some interesting teams on them that differ from the others, last time I
happened to do a xerneas groudon team, up next would be a double primal team
but for today we will be discussing a rayogre team that I made a interesting
one. Without further info let’s jump into the teambuilding process and then the
report of the actual team:
Teambuilding process:
Quite a painful one, a lot harder than what I expected…
observe the following image:
Yes these are all the different rayogre teams I have tried
out, each one related or learned from the mistakes of the others and got
further improvised, after so many attempts I set myself into the right
direction with the desired criteria, since the final team came after so many, I
happened to name it rayogre one-thousand. The correct direction I needed was
actually a shedinja; I’ll explain it further in the actual team, first lets get
into what teams I had earlier on and what I learned from every mistake I made
in the teambuilding process.
First came the just make em work concept, just put on a
golbat, registeel I believe had a red card, and a few more supports, it won me
only a few matches after which I was quite forced to discard it; mistake : too
much support, use your brain.
Then the somewhat more interesting concept of making a trick
room bulky rayquaza work, this is a concept I have tried out with charizard in
the past season, this time I tried pairing it up with a malamar, to use it’s
topsy turvey to increase rayquaza’s defense drops from the dragon ascents into
it’s defense increases; making it a pokemon tough to take down, however this
team fell short to being a bit to on the gimmicky end of the plays, if malamar
went down nothing could work; I never even made a complete team with these
Next up was my first actual thought out rayogre team, to
which I did different and added the gravity mode to function, knowing that
gengar goes well with it and learns hypnosis, also kyogre using 100% accurate
origin pulses was also a blessing, the most enjoyable concept of this team was
meowstic having psychic which helped greatly against any gengars out there as
well as those hitmontops, the team was again way too one direction with the
gravity mode.
Then I decided to do a balanced team, then this came up with
a dragon dance rayquaza I loved the set up on rayquaza as it outsped a lot and
ko’d a lot, then I realized also that rayquazas setup was being way to passive
and rayquaza was lost somewhere in the battle, the team members relied on each
other way to much so that they could not work as separate independent units,
the team overall was way to passive, one good thing it did to me was giving me
the idea of a swagplay partner with rayquaza.
This team was going to be based on the concept of offensive
support options as well as swagplay, as it came with the arcanine, I was pretty
happy with this team, the concerning things was that it didn’t had sufficient
answers to a dialga, xerneas’ answers were not promising either in sashed
endeavor raichu and a frail arcanine. Also I was losing three members of team
as in weavile, raichu and arcanine, salamence wasn’t the bulkiest of pokemons either;
by this time I was running a assault vest rayquaza which really satisfied me,
now I felt like the team again failed leaving me with the concepts of assault
vest rayquaza with icy wind and a swagplay partner as an effective tactic. I
also felt it was quite a complex task to fit in counters to all the meta
members with having these criteria.
Then some days later I was asking for a counter to xerneas
randomly in a chatroom, someone non-seriously suggested shedinja, I always had
wanted a shedinja and felt like it could cover a big spectrum of my worries
especially as the rayogre beats groudon really well, who is a great counter
against shedinja; shedinja on it’s very own can cover a huge spectrum of
pokemons in a one on one condition in matches; shedinja gave me the direction
of where the team should be taken to be made effective, then came the rest of
the members.
The Team:
Rayquaza @ Assault Vest
Ability: Air Lock
Level: 50
EVs: 20 HP / 132 Atk / 4 Def / 156 SpD / 196 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- Extreme Speed
- Icy Wind
- Draco Meteor
I have to discuss the main core first as this is after all a
rayquaza and kyogre team. Rayquaza is one the the main members of the team and
quite a favorite one of mine. I always was interested in trying out an assault
vest rayquaza ever since I saw a few at the world championships, also Jamie
boyt’s spread and team inspired this one (he has been one of the most inspiring
people for my concepts in this season) I tweaked the spread a little bit as I
dropped the numbers in speed and added a bit more of offense, I took the
defenses a bit down however it already does survive a xerneas’ dazzling gleam
as a spread move, this was quite a lovely spread and I really enjoyed playing
rayquaza. It’s moves have an importance of their own, first up has to be dragon
ascent which really does not need any introduction extreme speed is often on a
big source of priority based damage which really helps out in a lot of matches.
One of the biggest highlights of this spread has to be me keeping the move
draco meteor, it is in my opinion an amazing move, it gets me unexpected ohko’s
on salamences, rayquazas as well as it an allow a physically offensive rayquaza
to do atleast over 50% damage to primal groudons, this also does a bit of
damage to dialgas which are a bit of a threat to my team. Icy wind as I said before helps my rayogre to
counter all mirror matchups, it also allows to provide a general form of speed control,
one needed by a team such as this, it also covers u for the lack of speed
investment in my rayquaza. Overall this rayquaza is such an amazing pokemon I
never regret using it.
Kyogre-Primal @ Blue Orb
Ability: Primordial Sea
Level: 50
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Water Spout
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Protect
Kyogre is rayquaza’s partner in crime, it can surely OHKO
any primal groudon tactics when paired up with a rayquaza. This was extremely
helpful, it’s ability allowed shedinja to stay immune to even fire type
attacks, cutting down another weakness found in it. Kyogre is simple for them
OHKO’s on the pokemons, rayquaza makes this much more flexible and easier,
especially the icy wind support really helps out kyogre a lot. Kyogre can also
take down pokemons like salamence, yveltals and rayquazas which are major
threats to the presence of shedinja. At first I was trying out all kinds of
bulkier kyogres, the wolfe glick spread but their speed stat was quite not good
for my style of play. In the end I put on the same kyogre I have used very
early this season, the timid natured one, I felt like that my kyogre already
had enough barriers from physical attackers through mawile and shedinja. So I
didn’t needed to invest in some bulk. The speed really helped me get 1v1
against groudons. One important thing to notice about my primal kyogre is that
it keeps the move scald, other than the widely popular origin pulses, the thing
was that I really wanted to make my groudon matchup better with surety with
this pokemon. Origin pulse had a chance to miss, scald didn’t whenever it was
used, also it could get me lucky burns which does add to the defensive aspect
of these kyogres.
Shedinja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Wonder Guard
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Claw
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp
- Swagger
Shedinja is the main focus of this team, shedinja alone has
the ability to stall out the biggest monsters in VGC like kangaskhan, kyogre,
xerneas, etc… shedinja seems really passive but as you will learn with/from
another member of this team that it had come as a correct decision in the team,
which those improvements in the team I didn’t had to worry about the stall
aspect being very passive with shedinja. Shedija does not get a lot of
discussion points of view however a few things i would consider. It’s fast
speed stat allows it to outspeed pokemons like scrafty, hitmontop and mega
mawile and burn them with will-o-wisp before they attack, this comes in really
handy to help support my partners. In the beginning I was using confuse ray on
my bug, but then later on I adjusted that slot to having a swagger shedinja as
it helps out better in 1v1 situations making shedinja stall a bit less passive.
Shadow claw is also an important move as it can hit cresselias as well as
gengars and bronzongs for super effective damage, overall I loved this shedinja
Mawile-Mega @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Protect
Mega mawile as I have talked about it numerous times, has to
be my favorite mega pokemon in this entire season, it’s pair up synergy with
kyogre and rayquaza combination is quite amazing. Also the sole reason for why
I put this pokemon on the team here is that I wanted it to counter all of those
yveltals with surety. Mawile also makes an offensive as well as a defensive
counter to that ever popular xerneas, sucker punch allows it to overcome its
low speed and then deal big damage too to many pokemons. There is not much to
talk about this mawile, this is indeed one of the simplest mawile spreads out
there and fits greatly in this team.
Talonflame @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 4 Atk / 180 Def / 12 SpD / 84 Spe
Careful Nature
- Brave Bird
- Taunt
- Tailwind
- Flare Blitz
TalonBulk, yes one of the first expressions of this pokemon
I that it is extremely bulky. This spread allows my talonflame to live
kangaskhan attacks, outspeed primal as well as I think live up to a water spout
from kyogre after a BB with a 50% chance, I would have put more into the attack
stat, but it wouldn’t get me much a bit of bulk would’ve been nice. Talonflame
on this slot was put on for one and only one sole reason, to counter smeargles,
this talonflame moveset was inspired from a few ran at the world championships
that had the chesto berry with taunt to counter smeargle. Talonflame truly did
that job up to great success, it also was able to stand against xerneas and set
up a tailwind for the partners in the back. Talonflame’s other extremely
important role is to tackle steel types like ferrothron and scizor if any, this
role is made much easier thanks to the ability of rayquaza.
Terrakion @ Lum Berry
Ability: Justified
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Close Combat
- Swagger
- Safeguard
Last but not the least is a very important pokemon, this is
quite a weird one for the 2016 season, terrakion, I put this pokemo to counter
two pokemons that are really rising in popularity, one being thundurus and the
other being yveltal, the both in pairs are even more dangerous, upon putting on
terrakon I realized that now I could do a lot more to fulfill my desires with
this pokemon, yes indeedthe swagplay tactic and oh it came perfect, the only
options I had considered in the past were arcanine and volcarona etc, this was
much much better, having safeguard + lum berry allows it to further counter
smeargles and also provide a very offensive counter to kangaskhan, talonflame and
other flying types as well. One more thing related to safeguard was it where I
can use terrakion to power up my pokemons, I can then also use my shedinja’s
swagger to power up my mawile after safeguard has been set-up. Terrakion’s swagplay
tactic makes the passive aspect which is usually thought of shedinja into a
very offensive one this sets you off the worry of losing to timer. Hence
terrakion really did came for the best. On aside note on the talonflame +
terrakion combination on not any one of them having quick guard is that I do
have certain pokemons that can handle yveltal and even terrakion was put on to
counter thundurus, hence I don’t need it to counter them.
So guys this is for my different rayogre team hopefully you
really liked my team and inspired a few ideas of your own from it. Bye for now!
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