Hi guys I am back today to discuss with you yesterday’s
pokemons reveals, without further ado let’s get into the news, from which we
can get or speculate more things:
Game specific monkeys:

There were two monkey species pokemons revealed yesterday,
these two were passimian and oranguru:
Passimian from the design is probably my most favorite out
of these two, and it was rumored before in potential leaks from which we can
see some specific things coming, passimian was the rugby monkey pokemon when I
thogt of how a rugby monkey will look like, my mind didn’t gave me the best of
picture; however I think this design is extremely well done. As it is known as
the teamwork pokemon and as a fighting type does fight till the end, that is why
it get the new ability receiver, which comes into effect in double battles.
from the receiver ability passimian receives it’s allies’ ability as it faints,
this can have potential clever usage for certain abilities like lightningrod,
double intimidate tactics or maintaining shadow tag which can be essential to
some team strategies, and as the teamwork pokemon I do expect passimian to help
out it’s partners a lot.
While passimian works w/ partners being the guru oranguru
is, it guides it’s partners through the battle getting the telepathy ability a
lot of all-out spread moves will be adapted by oranguru’s partners surely.
Oranguru is the psychic normal typing a well expected typing, it gets the new
move called instruct which allows it’s target to re-use it’s move, this can
come in handy very much if taken reference from vgc to make potential 2hkos
into ohkos. Both these apes I think will make into the vgc format.
Rockruff finally evolves:
Rockruff’s evolution was always looked up to because it had
something to share in similarity with the starter pokemons and now I think that
it is confirmed that the starter pokemons will have two final evolutions which
will be game specific for both sun and moon.
So lycanrock is better in design than what I though, the
midday (pokemon sun) evolution looks great and swift, it’s ability sand rush
can come quite into play, whereas lycanrock’s midnight form evolution is even
cooler in looks, it looks like a dark rock though is only a pure rock type
pokemon, it’s vital spirit ability can be very viable.
New z-moves:
We were introduced to 2 new z-moves one being pikachu’s
catastropika and the other being eevee’s-all-out geomancy (forgot it’s name so
just going to call it that :p) which shows usthat there would potentially be
z-moves that don’t only do damage but effect stats as well, and my personal
believe is that they would give us 3 z-moves for each tyeone for special
attack, one for physical attack and a status move that fits the typing well.
So this was just a short post, however I just learned that
mega evolutions will be in the vgc17 format as it was said somewhere credible
that ‘jangmo-o’s sound proof blocks mega gardevoir’s hyper voice’ hope u liked
going through my post, bye for now.
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