Hey guys today I am back and here with a very muc interesting topic, well for me atleast, bringing to you my very first VGC 18 team only one day has passed since VGC 18format becamea thing, most people were kinda familiar with the metagame through BSD however the addition of the three new ubs + the new lycanroc form is here + the tutor moves are going to be very helpful as well, well don’t know about the lycanroc’s significance however the three new ultra beasts do sound very promising, without further baffling about my first thoughts on things here, I better get started with this report: Teambuilding Process: A week or so before this VGC 18 thing I was theorizing a lot around my most favorite allowed pokemon in the format, emboar with that I had thoeried putting cresselia + stakataka as the trick room slots and thought that tapu bulu, milotic and a bulky salamence would round out this team of mine very well, however as soon as I tested out the new idea it failed somewhat horrib...
Welcome to my blog! Here you will read about Pokemon! I like to share my VGC Teams and opinions on news or romhacks.